1. Did you ever feel that you must reduce your drinking?
2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
3. Have you ever felt guilty about drinking?
4. Have you ever heard that one must first drink in the morning (eye-opener) to calm your nerves or get rid of a hangover?
The first question is how we drink trying to determine whether the person concerned to think of themselves, they drink more than is good for them.
The second question is about his attitude to alcohol and feelings of Defense derived from alcohol abuse. Often the people a person to drink to criticize, and legitimate criticism is usually drunk as a rule against the abuse of alcohol or bad behavior, and with the ground. Moderate alcohol consumption is not often invite criticism that can be described as legitimate. So if a person is faced with criticism and recognize that it is legitimate and not moving in their hearts they know that there is a problem.
Even if a person is able to put up with such criticism, they are angry or irritated, that criticism is a defensive reaction to an underlying recognition that there is or should be, a problem.
The third question: "Have you ever felt guilty about drinking? Appointed the first negative feelings generated by alcohol abuse. If a person drank only when they feel the need, the fact that they drink more, or exactly how much to hide drinking realizes they are probably guilty, and this debt is to require that the person is identified, a rehabilitation program for alcoholics.
The last question goes to the physical dependence that forms the body of a person on the consumption of alcohol. When a drink is needed in the early morning, it is clear how much the person drinks alcohol and is more than good for them. If alcohol is needed for the nerves, it is clear that there is a real and physical dependence on alcohol. If you yes, this is a revelation.
Labels: alcohol, alcohol rehab, alcohol rehab il, christian alcohol rehab